Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Shooting at Purdue University


So, I was leaving the gym today when a friend informed me that there was a shooting at Purdue University. Completely shocked, the first thing I thought of was the shooting at Sandy Hook. Questions were racing through my head- What happened? Was anyone hurt? Who was the shooter? Did they catch him? Another horrible shooting taking place a little closer to home. So this post doesn't exactly relate to the Detroit area but personally, I think it is an extremely important topic.

Today, January 21, around 12:20 p.m., there was a shooting at Purdue University.

According to CNN, the gunman shot and killed a student at Purdue University. They believe the gunman was targeting one specific victim. Purdue alerted students of the shooting. They were told to stay in their classrooms, locked in. For about an hour, students waited until the gunman surrendered to authorities. Twitter was how students were finding out about this shooting. CNN claimed to hear about the shooting first through Twitter.

Whether or not you believe it, this will definitely have an impact in classrooms, in Michigan and other states. These gun related events occurring at schools (and other public areas) are getting out of control! Our family, friends, loved ones have no place to go where they can feel safe. Growing up, I was able to play outside during recess without being afraid of who was around. These incidents weren’t occurring as often as they are now.  Schools were a place where you always felt secure. You trusted your teachers and classmates. Now, children are cared to walk down the hall. Learning in the classroom is being overshadowed by fear. Parents are afraid to send their children to school because they fear something horrible might happen.

As a result, I think campuses and schools will have high security. It is going to be out of control. With everything that has been happening, I'm surprised that getting into schools is as easy as using a door handle. It's only a matter of time before students will have to scan cards to enter building and go through airport security just to get to class. Pat downs, metal detectors, luggage scanners, etc. If this were the case, tuition would sky rocket! Tuition is outrageous already. Imagine schools adding these high tech securities for EVERY building.

I hope this chaos ends soon before I become a teacher. Having the stress of teaching 20 plus students everything they need to know is hard enough. Now adding on the constant fear of what is happening outside your doors, this profession is becoming dangerous. No child or students should ever have to deal with a situation like this. A childhood is a time to build memories that are pleasant. I truly hope that people will see that violence never solves anything; that it only creates more violence.

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