Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Too Cool for School

Let it Snow****

Snow days are probably the best thing to come around when you are young and in school. They are days for sleeping in, hanging out with friends, watching TV in your pajamas, for the procrastinators (myself included), a day to catch up on work they MIGHT have forgotten to do. With a winter like this, it’s only normal for schools to be closing.

So far, Oakland University has classed a total of three day in this year. And may I add that I wouldn’t mind having a few more.

Many public schools have been closing as well due to the cold and snow. Districts are concerned about having children stand outside at the bus stops, freezing. Ranging from Elementary schools to High Schools, and even Universities have had classes cancelled. University of Michigan was closed for the first time in 36 years due to the cold. 36 years! That has to be a record of some sorts. Schools have had from 5 days off to 3 days off. But with every good thing comes something bad.

In Michigan, schools are allowed only 6 “snow” days… I guess you can see the problem there. Schools like Utica Community Schools have already had 5 days off. Rochester Community Schools have had 4 days off. The school districts plan for some school closings in the winter due to weather related issues, but they only plan for 6 days. Once they go over 6 days, the district has to come up with a solution. Solutions can be adding minutes to the school days, taking days off of mid-winter break or spring break, or extending the school year. The normal solution is going later into the summer. Trust me, NO ONE gets excited about losing summer. Days can get added on like dinner guests at a wedding. It starts with just family but then end up with 250 guests none of whom you know.

What’s even worse is that some schools are looking at closing tomorrow, January 29th. Winter isn’t over yet. Who knows how many schools might have to close because of horrendous weather.

Luckily if you are in a University you don’t have to make up days! You just loose hard earned money that you spent on a class so you could graduate. And most teachers use the internet as a teaching method so you end up with homework that hasn’t been discussed. It’s just like having school only it’s acceptable to be in your Pajamas.

I am undecided on snow days. They are good and the bad at the same time. It’s great to have days off during the week to break it up. But then there is the downside where you lose summer (or money). So I guess it comes down to this:

Are snow days REALLY worth it?

For more information click below


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