Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Taking the Risk

Entrepreneur (n.) a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

The word of the century. I have seen more people pursuing entrepreneurship than ever. My brother is one of those future entrepreneurs. I can honestly say it isn't the road for me but it is working for him. I have my reserves, though. There's always that chance of failing. Putting so much into one thing that has no guaranteed results, that scares me. So looking back, was it my education that made me afraid to take risks?

Are we teaching our children to play it safe? To take on careers where they are comfortable?
Maybe we haven't been challenging our students to excel. To take face challenges head on and take risks. 

Mary Coleman addressed the idea of entrepreneurs at the Detroit Economic Club on March 24th. Stating that Detroit needs people  who are willing to take risks and  start businesses. That's what Detroit needs. A community that thrives off it's citizens building business within the city. Creating jobs for those seeking work.

Mary Coleman believes it's time to take education to the next level. And I can't help but agree. "The principles we teach our students about entrepreneurship are the exact same principles all of higher educations needs to navigate in today's economy," Coleman states to the Detroit Economic Club, "It is time for higher education to become the innovators we are teaching our students to be."  According the Detroit News, U-M has invested $5 milliion dollars to encourage entrepreneurship. 

Coleman is talking about students at Universities, but that should be applied to our elementary students. They should be involved in taking their education to the next level. Making inquiries, developing critical thinking, and problem solving. 

Teachers have to prepare their students for the real world. Elementary through College. That's what our education should be working towards.  With a high unemployment rate in Detroit, it only makes sense to teach the younger generations to create their own jobs. Their businesses can provided opportunities for everyone.

It's all about preparation. Making sure our children are prepared for the real world and making sure our children are prepared for college. Educators should be encouraging their students to pursue their ideas and explore the world of creativity.

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